How to Maintain a Strong Bond with Your Partner After Having Kids

October 8, 2024
Nine month old boy, family portraits in sunlight studio

Welcoming a child into the world is magical. It’s life-changing, thrilling, and full of love. But let’s be honest, it’s also exhausting, stressful, and sometimes, it can feel like your relationship takes a backseat. Suddenly, it’s not just the two of you anymore. Amid diaper changes, sleepless nights, and the constant whirlwind of parenthood, how can you keep that spark alive?

Here are some realistic and easy-to-implement ideas to help you stay connected with your partner, even when life with kids feels overwhelming:

1. Remember, It’s All About Quality, Not Quantity

Once upon a time, you could spend entire weekends together. Now, finding 15 uninterrupted minutes feels like winning the lottery. And that’s okay! It’s not about how long you spend together; it’s about how you spend that time.

Whether it’s sharing a cup of tea before bed or sneaking in a quick lunch date, make those little moments count. Give each other your full attention, and resist the urge to talk only about the kids. This is your time to reconnect as a couple.

2. Keep the Romance Alive, Even in Small Ways

Romance doesn’t have to mean candlelit dinners or grand gestures. It can be as simple as a handwritten note on the fridge, a quick hug in the kitchen, or even just a look across the room that says, “I still choose you.”

Little acts of affection remind your partner that they’re still important to you. Try to surprise each other with small tokens of love—maybe a favorite snack, a funny text, or a playlist of songs that remind you of your early days together.

3. Don’t Forget Date Nights, Even if They’re at Home

Finding a babysitter can be tricky, not to mention expensive. But who says date night has to mean going out? Once the kids are in bed, create a date night at home.

You could have a movie night, cook a meal together, or play a board game. Set the scene—dim the lights, maybe add some music—and pretend you’re at a fancy restaurant. Making time for these kinds of special nights can bring back that feeling of excitement and closeness.

4. Share the Load and Support Each Other

Parenting can feel like running a marathon, but it’s easier when you’re running together. Take on parenting as a team, and remember that it’s okay to lean on each other.

When one of you is feeling overwhelmed, the other can step in. Support isn’t just about sharing diaper duties—it’s also about being there emotionally. Check in with each other, ask how they’re really doing, and listen. A strong bond comes from knowing that you’re truly in this together.

5. Laugh Together, Even at the Chaos

Some days, parenting is a wild ride, and sometimes, all you can do is laugh at the craziness. Finding humor in the everyday messes can ease the tension and make things feel a little lighter.

Did the toddler decide to finger-paint the walls? Or maybe you both got drenched during bath time? Take a breath and laugh it off together. Laughter is a fantastic way to release stress and reconnect with each other.

6. Make Time for Physical Connection, Even in Small Ways

Let’s be real: with kids around, intimacy can be a challenge. But physical connection goes beyond sex. It’s about those little moments of closeness—a hand squeeze, a cuddle, a kiss on the forehead.

Even if you’re too tired for a full-blown make-out session, these small gestures keep the flame burning and remind you of the love you share.

7. Support Each Other’s Hobbies and Interests

It’s easy to lose yourself in the world of parenting, but staying connected to who you are as individuals is essential for a healthy relationship. Encourage each other to pursue hobbies and interests outside of parenting.

Maybe one of you wants to join a book club, or the other is interested in hiking. Support each other’s passions, and when possible, try to join in or show interest. When both partners feel fulfilled individually, they bring more energy and joy back into the relationship.

8. Revisit Old Memories and Create New Ones

Every so often, take a walk down memory lane. Talk about your first date, your wedding day, or that hilarious vacation mishap. Reminiscing helps remind you of all the good times you’ve shared, reinforcing why you’re together in the first place.

But don’t stop there—make an effort to create new memories too! Even simple things, like trying a new recipe together or exploring a local spot you’ve never visited, can build new experiences to look back on later.


Parenthood is a journey, and it can be tough on relationships, but with a bit of effort and a lot of love, you can keep your connection strong. After all, you started as a team, and you’re still a team. Holding onto that partnership isn’t just good for you—it’s good for your kids, too. They get to grow up watching two people who love and respect each other through all of life’s ups and downs. So go on, make time for each other, and keep building a love story worth telling.


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